New housing and planning policy underlines need for family homes
The government has elevated the provision of family housing and access to gardens, play areas and parks as key policy objectives of the planning system for the first time. Those imperatives are highlighted in the latest planning policy statement (PPS) just published by Communities and Local Government.
PPS 3, which deals with housing issues, places a requirement on English councils to make sure they have policies to ensure enough family housing is built and that developments are child-friendly. The revised guidance also calls for a greater emphasis on housing mix - both tenure and type - and a greater willingness by councils to reject mediocre or poorly designed schemes. In addition, the PPS 3 calls for local planning authorities to identify sufficient land to meet their housing needs over a 15-year period.
The long-awaited new guidance, broadly welcomed by the development sector, makes it clear that local and regional planning bodies must take more account of affordability when determining how many new homes are needed in their areas. In return, ministers have told planning authorities they can have more discretion over densities, car-parking provision and will be allowed to specify a contribution from affordable units at a lower threshold than is currently the case. They will also be in a better position to prevent developers "cherrypicking" greenfield sites, ministers have stressed.
Although the new guidance does not formally commence until April 2007, the suite of policies "may be capable of being a material consideration in particular circumstances prior to that date," according to the statement.
The 28-page document includes new definitions for previously–developed land (often known as brownfield land), affordable housing, social rented housing and another category now known as intermediate affordable housing.
Planning and housing minister, Yvette Cooper, told parliament that changes to planning and housing policy were needed to "support further increased housing needed across the country, bring additional brownfield land back into use, deliver more affordable homes in rural and urban areas, support more family housing including more play spaces, parks and gardens for children and give local authorities more flexibility about how and where to deliver the homes that are needed".
Cooper told journalists that planning authorities would have to strengthen the way they "managed" housing provision with a much greater emphasis on the regular monitoring and review of actual housing delivery performance.
In particular, PPS 3 suggests that planning authorities should update the quality and mix of different categories of land within the rolling five year supply of deliverable sites "to redress the balance of land available for development".
The new guidance emphasises that where there is significant "under-performance" and where LPAs have already taken steps to remove obstacles to the development of allocated previously-developed sites without success, they may consider using their development control powers to reject applications on greenfield sites until there is evidence that the underperformance issues have been addressed.
The PPS 3 stresses that Local Development Documents must set an overall target for affordable housing to be provided in line with the new definition. This will also mean separate targets for social-rented and so-called intermediate affordable housing "where appropriate".
LDDs will also have to set out the range of circumstances in which affordable housing will be required. Currently the national indicative minimum site size threshold for requiring affordable provision is 15 dwellings. Under the new guidance LPAs will be able to set lower minimum thresholds "where viable and practicable", particularly in rural areas.
As the new definition of affordable housing excludes low cost market housing, deciding the proportion of affordable housing to be sought in different circumstances will involve LPAs in planning for low cost market housing as part of the overall housing mix.
The PPS 3 maintains the present focus that at least 60 per cent of new homes should be built on brownfield land. LPAS will be expected set their own local targets to reflect available sites and support the national target.
It also calls for stronger environmental standards and the importance of cutting carbon emissions. The government will shortly be reinforcing this with a PPS specifically on climate change policies.
Cooper has stressed that the revised PPS will be particular helpful for the forty-five towns and cities who have proposed significant increases in new homes and jobs under the governments "growth point" policy.
She also made it plain that ministers want the planning system to redress the balance of housing provision which in some areas like London had become too concentrated on one or two bedroom dwellings, squeezing out larger family-friendly homes.
Read the written statement by Yvette Cooper, minister for housing and planning
View Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing
Roger Milne
30 November 2006
Friday, December 1
Thursday, November 30
Warehouse Price Wood Flooring. - Supply & Install -
Warehouse Price Wood Flooring. - Supply & Install -
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Contact Jensen Js
email me for my contact number.
You can't miss this offer, worth every penny.
Engineered Wood Board/ Laminated Wood Flooring.
(Warehouse Price)Ranges from RM2.50 - RM6.00 (LWF)
Thursday, November 23
Vernacular architecture - egg style
Eaten My Egg Alive

There are plenty of ways to open an egg.
crack...crushed...break & etc
So... mine looks like this, when you have a hard boilded egg.
In order to open it, either you peal it or slowly break the outer shell and peal it by little.
Seeing it cracking slowly and then opening it up. -Eats my heart out-
[Quoted] - Pride & Prejudice - Movie
Mr. Darcy said :``In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and bla bla...'' end his agony and bla bla bla...
bla bla bla...which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit... bla bla bla
Darn Typical English show... but it was quite a nice show indeed. If you like typical cold english humor with strong language sentences & etc
Wednesday, November 22
What a weird Song
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
She looks sweeter and sweeter every year goes by,
I wish I had never been so blind, that I am right now, and I wish could, never be again in me.
her name is somebody,
I can't say,
Sad heart weeps no more,
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
If I ever had the chance to say it out, it would definately never be right now,
Oh what my heart sinks again everyday, I wish I was, not that I am of now.
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
She looks sweeter and sweeter every year goes by,
I wish I had never been so blind, that I am right now, and I wish could, never be again in me.
her name is somebody,
I can't say,
Sad heart weeps no more,
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
I keep falling in love for her, over and over and over again each year.
If I ever had the chance to say it out, it would definately never be right now,
Oh what my heart sinks again everyday, I wish I was, not that I am of now.
Saturday, November 18
Illusions are real and yet not all
Never chase after a "Dream", especially an emo type of dream.
Dreams are illusions... and evetually becomes a nightmare or a daydream/ "daymare".
Well, for a particular moment i guess...
Always look forward for the truth. It gives life.
What else can I say... hmmm...
Never chase after a "Dream", especially an emo type of dream.
Dreams are illusions... and evetually becomes a nightmare or a daydream/ "daymare".
Well, for a particular moment i guess...
Always look forward for the truth. It gives life.
What else can I say... hmmm...
The Feeling of it
Broken Pieces of Glass
Glasses always looks good from the outside, and when ever it falls from a certain angle / height of force, it breaks and shatters into pieces. (common sense)
When your facing a mirror, you see yourself before it. Looking fine and all, but the true fact is, you can't see the true color of ourself.
Unless we're talking about, fiber glass or something.
Well... emotion are liken to glass.
Breaks and mends again...
Glasses always looks good from the outside, and when ever it falls from a certain angle / height of force, it breaks and shatters into pieces. (common sense)
When your facing a mirror, you see yourself before it. Looking fine and all, but the true fact is, you can't see the true color of ourself.
Unless we're talking about, fiber glass or something.
Well... emotion are liken to glass.
Breaks and mends again...
Monday, November 13
- Personal -
I've never blog about personal issues or matters on the internet. Everything blogged would be in parables or whatever crap, that I would like to phrase it. This doesn't mean, I am not straight forward.
Its just to make it more weird, amusing and passionate, something liken to a STORY or a FABLE.
Ever wonder what if feels like to build a bridge on a land, where you find yourself sometimes heading towards an imaginary boundary. A boundary that might not exist or you could not predict, because humans' are just short sighted and impatience beings.
Able to graps and enhancing a characteristic of patience is a very gracious point in life. The very fact, that this virtue could be alive within ''the black box'' of the inner being, is a thing given and slowly showered to blossom.
Yet every blossom could only stay alive, if its been developed through proper seeding and nutrients.
In times, it seems "far flesh" to know what would a person be putting himself or herself through.
Well it ain't about spiritual issues, for its a about the physical aspect of the narrow minded VISUAL vision in a person's head and heart.
The flesh is just a very weak material. The true source of all, will show, lead and provide that sustains it all.
If a person could implant by themselve into a scope of desire, surely would be able to fallout from their very own desire by grace.
Therefore, the mind is land mine that brings much pit falls. The heart of emotion is just something fragile and easily stamped on. Therefore, every final scene of the emotion, is to become either like Winter, cold hearted... or SUMMER, hot hearted, or even SPRING, chippy and sweet, relies on the individual at the end of the day.
So, I guess leaving the state of a neutral border alone, its always 50% better. Yet, its always much advanterous to dive into an uncarted area, people always say : "You never try, you never know"
or... "if you don't succeed, try again" ; "Play your cards right" ; "What is meant to be, would always be"
Whatever crap are all this, simple words overwrites it all.
"You don't want it, leave it. If you're up to it, get into it and give it all your best"
and "if you lose it, lets be NORMADS and head to another pasture"...
yeehaa, I am migrating south, if I am Bird. hehehe.... a wounded soldier always need a General to lead.
or... TIME decides, plays and TELLS it all
What a relief to type it all out? crazy...moment to remember.
I've never blog about personal issues or matters on the internet. Everything blogged would be in parables or whatever crap, that I would like to phrase it. This doesn't mean, I am not straight forward.
Its just to make it more weird, amusing and passionate, something liken to a STORY or a FABLE.
Ever wonder what if feels like to build a bridge on a land, where you find yourself sometimes heading towards an imaginary boundary. A boundary that might not exist or you could not predict, because humans' are just short sighted and impatience beings.
Able to graps and enhancing a characteristic of patience is a very gracious point in life. The very fact, that this virtue could be alive within ''the black box'' of the inner being, is a thing given and slowly showered to blossom.
Yet every blossom could only stay alive, if its been developed through proper seeding and nutrients.
In times, it seems "far flesh" to know what would a person be putting himself or herself through.
Well it ain't about spiritual issues, for its a about the physical aspect of the narrow minded VISUAL vision in a person's head and heart.
The flesh is just a very weak material. The true source of all, will show, lead and provide that sustains it all.
If a person could implant by themselve into a scope of desire, surely would be able to fallout from their very own desire by grace.
Therefore, the mind is land mine that brings much pit falls. The heart of emotion is just something fragile and easily stamped on. Therefore, every final scene of the emotion, is to become either like Winter, cold hearted... or SUMMER, hot hearted, or even SPRING, chippy and sweet, relies on the individual at the end of the day.
So, I guess leaving the state of a neutral border alone, its always 50% better. Yet, its always much advanterous to dive into an uncarted area, people always say : "You never try, you never know"
or... "if you don't succeed, try again" ; "Play your cards right" ; "What is meant to be, would always be"
Whatever crap are all this, simple words overwrites it all.
"You don't want it, leave it. If you're up to it, get into it and give it all your best"
and "if you lose it, lets be NORMADS and head to another pasture"...
yeehaa, I am migrating south, if I am Bird. hehehe.... a wounded soldier always need a General to lead.
or... TIME decides, plays and TELLS it all
What a relief to type it all out? crazy...moment to remember.
Tuesday, November 7
Uk homes should beat Scandinavian eco-standards - Yvette Cooper
DCLG News Release 2006/0095
13 September 2006
New UK homes should be built to Scandinavian standards and better them within ten years, Housing and Planning Minister Yvette Cooper said today.
Speaking after a visit to environmentally friendly and sustainably designed housing developments in the Netherlands and Scandinavia with stakeholders from the house building, regeneration and environmental sectors, the minister said developers need to increase standards to meet the challenges of climate change.
She wants to use ideas and techniques already being developed and adopted in other European countries to deliver substantial cuts in carbon emissions from new homes. She is also challenging UK companies to plan and innovate now to beat designs and standards from Scandinavia and the Netherlands within ten years.
The second phase of the Design for Manufacture competition will be launched by the end of the year, challenging builders to develop environmentally friendly, low carbon housing developments. The competition will involve private and public sites for low and zero carbon developments. European companies will be invited to join the competition to increase innovation.
Yvette Cooper said:
“The homes we build today will house our children and grandchildren for decades to come which mean they need to be sustainable. If other countries can do it so can we.
“The challenge now is for UK developers to create low cost and low carbon homes. We believe that new developments in the Thames Gateway and in areas like Northstowe can also lead the way.”
Accompanying the minister on the visit were Stuart Baseley, Executive Chairman of the Home Builders' Federation, Paul King, Campaigns Director at the WWF, and John Calcutt from English Partnerships, the Government's regeneration agency.
The visit is part of a major programme of work led by the minister to deliver substantial cuts in carbon emission from new homes:
DCLG Minister with responsibility for climate change Angela Smith will visit the Dongtan eco-city in China later this year to examine further ideas that can be used in the UK;
The Government's new planning policy on climate change will set out how we expect the planning system to help shape a lower carbon society;
The Government’s major review of building regulations alongside the new Code for Sustainable Homes will set out a long term direction for delivering low carbon and ultimately carbon neutral developments; and
Plans for potential low and zero carbon targets for Thames Gateway are being examined under a feasibility study. Other new developments including Northstowe in Cambridgeshire are being designated as exemplars for energy and water efficiency.
Notes to editors
1. Sustainably designed developments Yvette Cooper visited:
Nieuw Terbregge, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Java and Borneo Islands, IJburg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Western Harbour Development (Bo01 City of Tomorrow), Malmo, Sweden
Self-heating homes in Glumslov, Sweden
2. What has the Government done already?
We are driving up environmental standards through tough building regulations and planning requirements and incentives for voluntary measures like wind turbines and insulation;
New buildings are now 40 per cent more energy efficient than those built before 2002;
All local authorities can now require on-site micro-renewable technology (e.g. wind turbines, heat pumps) for large developments;
Decent Homes programme to refurbish social housing has already improved the energy efficiency of nearly half a million homes.
3. What are we doing next?
New water efficiency standards for new and existing homes;
New planning policy - PPS3 - that will further enshrine sustainable building policies;
New Design for Manufacture competition that will challenge house builders to build eco developments;
New planning laws that will make it easier for people to install environmental energy measures like wind turbines and solar panels;
We will introduce a tougher Code for Sustainable Homes which will set minimum standards for energy and water efficiency;
Energy performance certificates will, from next June, give home buyers a rating for the environmental efficiency of their home.
DCLG News Release 2006/0095
13 September 2006
New UK homes should be built to Scandinavian standards and better them within ten years, Housing and Planning Minister Yvette Cooper said today.
Speaking after a visit to environmentally friendly and sustainably designed housing developments in the Netherlands and Scandinavia with stakeholders from the house building, regeneration and environmental sectors, the minister said developers need to increase standards to meet the challenges of climate change.
She wants to use ideas and techniques already being developed and adopted in other European countries to deliver substantial cuts in carbon emissions from new homes. She is also challenging UK companies to plan and innovate now to beat designs and standards from Scandinavia and the Netherlands within ten years.
The second phase of the Design for Manufacture competition will be launched by the end of the year, challenging builders to develop environmentally friendly, low carbon housing developments. The competition will involve private and public sites for low and zero carbon developments. European companies will be invited to join the competition to increase innovation.
Yvette Cooper said:
“The homes we build today will house our children and grandchildren for decades to come which mean they need to be sustainable. If other countries can do it so can we.
“The challenge now is for UK developers to create low cost and low carbon homes. We believe that new developments in the Thames Gateway and in areas like Northstowe can also lead the way.”
Accompanying the minister on the visit were Stuart Baseley, Executive Chairman of the Home Builders' Federation, Paul King, Campaigns Director at the WWF, and John Calcutt from English Partnerships, the Government's regeneration agency.
The visit is part of a major programme of work led by the minister to deliver substantial cuts in carbon emission from new homes:
DCLG Minister with responsibility for climate change Angela Smith will visit the Dongtan eco-city in China later this year to examine further ideas that can be used in the UK;
The Government's new planning policy on climate change will set out how we expect the planning system to help shape a lower carbon society;
The Government’s major review of building regulations alongside the new Code for Sustainable Homes will set out a long term direction for delivering low carbon and ultimately carbon neutral developments; and
Plans for potential low and zero carbon targets for Thames Gateway are being examined under a feasibility study. Other new developments including Northstowe in Cambridgeshire are being designated as exemplars for energy and water efficiency.
Notes to editors
1. Sustainably designed developments Yvette Cooper visited:
Nieuw Terbregge, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Java and Borneo Islands, IJburg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Western Harbour Development (Bo01 City of Tomorrow), Malmo, Sweden
Self-heating homes in Glumslov, Sweden
2. What has the Government done already?
We are driving up environmental standards through tough building regulations and planning requirements and incentives for voluntary measures like wind turbines and insulation;
New buildings are now 40 per cent more energy efficient than those built before 2002;
All local authorities can now require on-site micro-renewable technology (e.g. wind turbines, heat pumps) for large developments;
Decent Homes programme to refurbish social housing has already improved the energy efficiency of nearly half a million homes.
3. What are we doing next?
New water efficiency standards for new and existing homes;
New planning policy - PPS3 - that will further enshrine sustainable building policies;
New Design for Manufacture competition that will challenge house builders to build eco developments;
New planning laws that will make it easier for people to install environmental energy measures like wind turbines and solar panels;
We will introduce a tougher Code for Sustainable Homes which will set minimum standards for energy and water efficiency;
Energy performance certificates will, from next June, give home buyers a rating for the environmental efficiency of their home.
Friday, July 28
Garage Culture - The New Frontier for Design
Super Garages
[ Quote from : Ellen Hoffman, BusinessWeek Online ]The garage may be the last frontier of home renovation, but you don't have to be a car collector to see the potential in this once-cluttered space
You've already overhauled the kitchen and bathrooms, added a pool house with outdoor kitchen and bar, and organized the closets with modular storage systems. What's left to improve? Hint: Have you looked in your garage lately?
Once a cluttered repository for garden tools, miscellaneous junk, and maybe even your car, the humble garage is going designer. For many, it's the last frontier of the complete home makeover, a big open room that can be converted to a spacious showplace for a car collector or an activity center for the hobbyist.
More details at the website with images, click below.
Check out the WEBSITE
Saturday, July 22
Tailored Furniture Solutions and Workplace Performance
Effective workplace design helps attract and retain employees, facilitate innovation, and promote teamwork.(Quoted from : Mike Tennity)
In today’s competitive business environment, companies challenge all aspects of their operations to continuously create more value.
Facilities managers, architects, and designers play an important role in supporting these efforts by establishing environments that optimize workplace performance.
Increasingly, organizations turn to tailored workplace concepts - furniture and furnishings based on their unique business and productivity objectives.
Effective workplace design brings important benefits in several key areas:
- attracting and retaining employees.
- facilitating innovation.
- promoting teamwork.
In today’s competitive business environment, companies challenge all aspects of their operations to continuously create more value.
Facilities managers, architects, and designers play an important role in supporting these efforts by establishing environments that optimize workplace performance.
Increasingly, organizations turn to tailored workplace concepts - furniture and furnishings based on their unique business and productivity objectives.
Effective workplace design brings important benefits in several key areas:
- attracting and retaining employees.
- facilitating innovation.
- promoting teamwork.
Saturday, July 15
Most Dangerous Romantic Movie Myths Only In Hollywood
Quoted from : http://personals.yahoo.com/us/static/dating-advice_hollywood-tango
All these are humerous to me...!! read it, i find amusing in a certain sense.
It’s time for the envelopes, please. Tango hands out the Oscars for Most Dangerous Romantic Movie Myths
My friend Michelle and her on-again-off-again were off. Again. She complained that he just wasn’t going to the right lengths to win her back. “I need a big gesture,” she said. “I need roses. I need tears. I need Lloyd Dobler on the front lawn with a boom box raised over his head.”
Another friend, Laura, had not met anyone even halfway decent in months, and was starting to wonder if her best friend, Tiny Tony -- a sweetheart who is unfortunately short, bald, and bulbous -- might be the guy for her after all. “I’ve never been attracted to him or anything,” she said. “But maybe it’s a When Harry Met Sally situation. Maybe we’re meant to be and I just haven’t noticed.”
After almost 15 years as a faithful fan of romantic comedies, I’ve come to a painful conclusion: The movies we watch to supplement our love lives are actually sabotaging them. They make us wonder why our ex hasn’t appeared in our yard playing “In Your Eyes” at midnight even though, if he did so, we’d file for a restraining order, not a marriage license. They lead us to believe that an older, more sophisticated man who criticizes the way we look/talk/ dress will fall madly in love with our made-over selves -- if it was good enough for Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, it’s good enough for us.
A lot of lip service has been paid to the idea that violence in films causes men to be violent in real life. Why isn’t anyone calling for warning labels for movies that cause otherwise reasonable women to act like emotional psychopaths? Hollywood’s take on love leaves us dissatisfied with the relationships we have, and hungry for the sort of romance that simply never occurs in nature.
I’d like to tell you that this realization has caused me to throw out all my old videotapes. Into the trash with you, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. You’ve set me up for failure, Rock Hudson. It’s documentaries and presidential biopics from here on in. But a girl’s gotta dream.
Still, it’s helpful to at least try to separate fact from fiction. In that spirit, I’ve identified some of the most common romantic-movie traps. If you feel yourself slipping back into fantasyland, get thee to a Blockbuster and rent Annie Hall -- the only romantic movie I can think of that’s both satisfying and honest.
The Sleepless in Seattle Trap
Like Bill Pullman in the movie, your current boyfriend or fiancé may have committed some unforgivable crimes, such as having lots of allergies but no nickname. Then you hear a voice on the radio, or see a face across a crowded room. Suddenly, you know this stranger is the love of your life. OK, you already have a partner who’s perfectly stable and lovely, but I’m afraid you will have to end that relationship. After all, in the 30 seconds you’ve spent with the new man, you’ve learned everything there is to know about him. And. It. Is. Good. You use Google, gossip, mutual acquaintances, and expensive private investigators to track him down and ask him out to dinner.
See also: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, A Walk in the Clouds.
The Real Ending: Over dinner, you realize he has bad breath, a wife, and absolutely nothing whatsoever in common with you.
The As Good As It Gets Trap
You’ve found a guy who has that certain something -- as well as a bad attitude, a fear of commitment, or just a nonspecific nasty streak. Other than that, though, what a catch. Minor personality flaws won’t stand in the way of your fate. You decide that your love can change him, because that’s what true love does.
See also: Jerry Maguire, Reality Bites.
The Real Ending: You go to great lengths to show him that you’re worth loving before ultimately deciding that he’s never going to change -- and that he’s the last thing you’d want to complete you, anyway.
The An Affair to Remember Trap
You meet the perfect man and make elaborate, romantic plans for the future right away. He takes your number (no need for you to take his) and promises to call the next day. When the phone doesn’t ring, you don’t worry -- he’s your soul mate after all, there’s just been some misunderstanding. Two days later, you start to grow concerned that something has happened to him. Is he under a bus somewhere? Has he been taken hostage? You go from concerned to all-out panicked. Despite the gentle protestations of your friends that perhaps he’s just not that into you, you remain convinced that he was hit by a cab and rendered a cripple, and is too proud to leave his apartment.
See also: The Notebook.
The Real Ending: Three months later you see him dancing in a club with some chick in a tube top.
The When Harry Met Sally Trap
You’ve never been attracted to your male best friend, but recently things in the romance department have been less than enthralling. So you start to wonder -- maybe, just maybe, The One has been staring you in the face all along. Who cares if he still lives in his mom’s basement? This is destiny, damn it.
The Real Ending: Prepare for an awkward, tequila-induced make-out session that definitely requires an “I don’t know what I was thinking” email the next day.
The Titanic Trap
You just made partner and need to focus on work, but you can’t get this new guy off your mind. His name is Bo, he never went to college, and he works at the burrito place where you sometimes grab lunch between clients. Your friends ask what exactly you hope to gain from this relationship, but luckily you’re not a snob like them, and you know that a person’s job isn’t what defines him.
See also: Sabrina, Pretty Woman, Sweet Home Alabama.
The Real Ending: At a company dinner, your boss asks Bo what he does and he replies, “I work the grill, but I’m hoping to be put on the register soon.” Face it: If Leo had made it to dry land, that relationship would never have survived.
The Stepmom Trap
None of your romantic fantasies ended with Prince Charming leaving you for his secretary. Nor did they include falling for an otherwise great man with two sizable and unavoidable flaws (i.e., his children). Don’t panic. Contrary to what you might think, this divorce stuff is a piece of cake. Your step kids hate you? All it’s going to take to turn that around are some good old fashioned sex tips from you (to make the brats more popular, duh) and the untimely death of their mother. Your ex couldn’t seem to tie his own shoelaces when you were together? Rest assured that once you’ve signed the divorce papers, he will clean up his act and become the kind of guy you meant to marry.
See also: The Philadelphia Story, High Society, The Parent Trap, Mrs. Doubtfire.
The Real Ending: You continue to hate the bastard for years to come, despite the fact that your shrink says rage won’t help you heal. And whatever side of the joint custody battle you might fall on -- be it mom or stepmom -- the kids aren’t going to make the situation any easier. If you’re a stepmom, get ready for the cry of “You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my mother!” to take up permanent residence in your psyche. If you’re the real mom, the line will be “When we’re at Dad’s house, Bambi never makes us do our homework/eat our vegetables/stop playing with knives.”
The Pretty in Pink Trap
Your next-door neighbor just happens to be a Calvin Klein underwear model. Lucky you. You’ve brought him countless jars of jam that need loosening, and even gotten locked out of your place in your cutest dress. Yet he hasn’t asked you out. In the words of Journey, “Don’t stop believin’.”
See also: Notting Hill, Love Actually.
The Real Ending: There’s a fine line between healthy optimism and insanity. There’s also a reason the quarterback in high school always dated the head cheerleader -- their kind is biologically predetermined to go forth and make other popular kids for everyone else to envy. It might be smarter to set your sights on the guy in 2B with the sweet smile and the receding hairline.
J. Courtney Sullivan’s first book, Dating Up: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Man You Deserve is due out from Warner Books in February 2007.
Copyright ©2006 Tango Publishing Corp.
All these are humerous to me...!! read it, i find amusing in a certain sense.
It’s time for the envelopes, please. Tango hands out the Oscars for Most Dangerous Romantic Movie Myths
My friend Michelle and her on-again-off-again were off. Again. She complained that he just wasn’t going to the right lengths to win her back. “I need a big gesture,” she said. “I need roses. I need tears. I need Lloyd Dobler on the front lawn with a boom box raised over his head.”
Another friend, Laura, had not met anyone even halfway decent in months, and was starting to wonder if her best friend, Tiny Tony -- a sweetheart who is unfortunately short, bald, and bulbous -- might be the guy for her after all. “I’ve never been attracted to him or anything,” she said. “But maybe it’s a When Harry Met Sally situation. Maybe we’re meant to be and I just haven’t noticed.”
After almost 15 years as a faithful fan of romantic comedies, I’ve come to a painful conclusion: The movies we watch to supplement our love lives are actually sabotaging them. They make us wonder why our ex hasn’t appeared in our yard playing “In Your Eyes” at midnight even though, if he did so, we’d file for a restraining order, not a marriage license. They lead us to believe that an older, more sophisticated man who criticizes the way we look/talk/ dress will fall madly in love with our made-over selves -- if it was good enough for Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, it’s good enough for us.
A lot of lip service has been paid to the idea that violence in films causes men to be violent in real life. Why isn’t anyone calling for warning labels for movies that cause otherwise reasonable women to act like emotional psychopaths? Hollywood’s take on love leaves us dissatisfied with the relationships we have, and hungry for the sort of romance that simply never occurs in nature.
I’d like to tell you that this realization has caused me to throw out all my old videotapes. Into the trash with you, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. You’ve set me up for failure, Rock Hudson. It’s documentaries and presidential biopics from here on in. But a girl’s gotta dream.
Still, it’s helpful to at least try to separate fact from fiction. In that spirit, I’ve identified some of the most common romantic-movie traps. If you feel yourself slipping back into fantasyland, get thee to a Blockbuster and rent Annie Hall -- the only romantic movie I can think of that’s both satisfying and honest.
The Sleepless in Seattle Trap
Like Bill Pullman in the movie, your current boyfriend or fiancé may have committed some unforgivable crimes, such as having lots of allergies but no nickname. Then you hear a voice on the radio, or see a face across a crowded room. Suddenly, you know this stranger is the love of your life. OK, you already have a partner who’s perfectly stable and lovely, but I’m afraid you will have to end that relationship. After all, in the 30 seconds you’ve spent with the new man, you’ve learned everything there is to know about him. And. It. Is. Good. You use Google, gossip, mutual acquaintances, and expensive private investigators to track him down and ask him out to dinner.
See also: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, A Walk in the Clouds.
The Real Ending: Over dinner, you realize he has bad breath, a wife, and absolutely nothing whatsoever in common with you.
The As Good As It Gets Trap
You’ve found a guy who has that certain something -- as well as a bad attitude, a fear of commitment, or just a nonspecific nasty streak. Other than that, though, what a catch. Minor personality flaws won’t stand in the way of your fate. You decide that your love can change him, because that’s what true love does.
See also: Jerry Maguire, Reality Bites.
The Real Ending: You go to great lengths to show him that you’re worth loving before ultimately deciding that he’s never going to change -- and that he’s the last thing you’d want to complete you, anyway.
The An Affair to Remember Trap
You meet the perfect man and make elaborate, romantic plans for the future right away. He takes your number (no need for you to take his) and promises to call the next day. When the phone doesn’t ring, you don’t worry -- he’s your soul mate after all, there’s just been some misunderstanding. Two days later, you start to grow concerned that something has happened to him. Is he under a bus somewhere? Has he been taken hostage? You go from concerned to all-out panicked. Despite the gentle protestations of your friends that perhaps he’s just not that into you, you remain convinced that he was hit by a cab and rendered a cripple, and is too proud to leave his apartment.
See also: The Notebook.
The Real Ending: Three months later you see him dancing in a club with some chick in a tube top.
The When Harry Met Sally Trap
You’ve never been attracted to your male best friend, but recently things in the romance department have been less than enthralling. So you start to wonder -- maybe, just maybe, The One has been staring you in the face all along. Who cares if he still lives in his mom’s basement? This is destiny, damn it.
The Real Ending: Prepare for an awkward, tequila-induced make-out session that definitely requires an “I don’t know what I was thinking” email the next day.
The Titanic Trap
You just made partner and need to focus on work, but you can’t get this new guy off your mind. His name is Bo, he never went to college, and he works at the burrito place where you sometimes grab lunch between clients. Your friends ask what exactly you hope to gain from this relationship, but luckily you’re not a snob like them, and you know that a person’s job isn’t what defines him.
See also: Sabrina, Pretty Woman, Sweet Home Alabama.
The Real Ending: At a company dinner, your boss asks Bo what he does and he replies, “I work the grill, but I’m hoping to be put on the register soon.” Face it: If Leo had made it to dry land, that relationship would never have survived.
The Stepmom Trap
None of your romantic fantasies ended with Prince Charming leaving you for his secretary. Nor did they include falling for an otherwise great man with two sizable and unavoidable flaws (i.e., his children). Don’t panic. Contrary to what you might think, this divorce stuff is a piece of cake. Your step kids hate you? All it’s going to take to turn that around are some good old fashioned sex tips from you (to make the brats more popular, duh) and the untimely death of their mother. Your ex couldn’t seem to tie his own shoelaces when you were together? Rest assured that once you’ve signed the divorce papers, he will clean up his act and become the kind of guy you meant to marry.
See also: The Philadelphia Story, High Society, The Parent Trap, Mrs. Doubtfire.
The Real Ending: You continue to hate the bastard for years to come, despite the fact that your shrink says rage won’t help you heal. And whatever side of the joint custody battle you might fall on -- be it mom or stepmom -- the kids aren’t going to make the situation any easier. If you’re a stepmom, get ready for the cry of “You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my mother!” to take up permanent residence in your psyche. If you’re the real mom, the line will be “When we’re at Dad’s house, Bambi never makes us do our homework/eat our vegetables/stop playing with knives.”
The Pretty in Pink Trap
Your next-door neighbor just happens to be a Calvin Klein underwear model. Lucky you. You’ve brought him countless jars of jam that need loosening, and even gotten locked out of your place in your cutest dress. Yet he hasn’t asked you out. In the words of Journey, “Don’t stop believin’.”
See also: Notting Hill, Love Actually.
The Real Ending: There’s a fine line between healthy optimism and insanity. There’s also a reason the quarterback in high school always dated the head cheerleader -- their kind is biologically predetermined to go forth and make other popular kids for everyone else to envy. It might be smarter to set your sights on the guy in 2B with the sweet smile and the receding hairline.
J. Courtney Sullivan’s first book, Dating Up: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Man You Deserve is due out from Warner Books in February 2007.
Copyright ©2006 Tango Publishing Corp.
Friday, July 14
When Somebody Loved Me- Toy Story2
Once a long time ago, when i was young Somebody told me...
there are two kind of love
- To love
- and To be love
Jessy said : She was my whole world... (more like worldly emotional, sweat... now i know)
When somebody loved me,
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
And when she was sad,
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy,
So was I
When she loved me
Through the summer and the fall
We had each other, that was all
Just she and I together,
Like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely,
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she'd say I will always love you
Lonely and forgotten,
I'd never thought she'd look my way
And she smiled at me and held me just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
When she loved me
there are two kind of love
- To love
- and To be love
Jessy said : She was my whole world... (more like worldly emotional, sweat... now i know)
When somebody loved me,
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
And when she was sad,
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy,
So was I
When she loved me
Through the summer and the fall
We had each other, that was all
Just she and I together,
Like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely,
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she'd say I will always love you
Lonely and forgotten,
I'd never thought she'd look my way
And she smiled at me and held me just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
When she loved me
Beauty & The Beast - DISNEY ANIMATION
Well this particular blog column is not about business...
more of a well known animation produce by DISNEY in 1996.
When i was standard 3 or was it 6, anyway... this was part of DISNEY wonderful animated cartoon, that capture my interest for animations... when i was brought to cinema to watch it.
besides that... wonderful classical cartoon. PASSION FOR LOVE - LOVE IS BLIND -
Since i was writing a testimonial for a friend, it POP up to my mind, that to find this classical animated movie song in YOUTUBE... " we don't need mp3 " any more.
It comes in different version of languages, this is so COOL!
Check this out...
Lilo & Stitch: Beauty & the Beast Trailer 3
( So far at this point, I perfer ENGLISH version & GERMAN version soothing voice)
Vanilla Mood - Beauty And The Beast
Hey I like the girl how she had her hair tied up (the one standing and in all black attire) and also a girl playing a cool Violent,woah! ... pretty girl!
... long straight smooth hair, mature, sweet, simple, country like female, smart (fair or tan doesn't matter)
- Like Belle in dress CUN!!!
One of my interested TOY STORY 2 SOUND TRACK.
When Somebody Loved Me- Toy Story2
Actually all this love love thing, just very emotional... touch people's heart only... sweat
now i know... hahaha
more of a well known animation produce by DISNEY in 1996.
When i was standard 3 or was it 6, anyway... this was part of DISNEY wonderful animated cartoon, that capture my interest for animations... when i was brought to cinema to watch it.
besides that... wonderful classical cartoon. PASSION FOR LOVE - LOVE IS BLIND -
Since i was writing a testimonial for a friend, it POP up to my mind, that to find this classical animated movie song in YOUTUBE... " we don't need mp3 " any more.
It comes in different version of languages, this is so COOL!
Check this out...
Lilo & Stitch: Beauty & the Beast Trailer 3
( So far at this point, I perfer ENGLISH version & GERMAN version soothing voice)
Vanilla Mood - Beauty And The Beast
Hey I like the girl how she had her hair tied up (the one standing and in all black attire) and also a girl playing a cool Violent,woah! ... pretty girl!
... long straight smooth hair, mature, sweet, simple, country like female, smart (fair or tan doesn't matter)
- Like Belle in dress CUN!!!
One of my interested TOY STORY 2 SOUND TRACK.
When Somebody Loved Me- Toy Story2
Actually all this love love thing, just very emotional... touch people's heart only... sweat
now i know... hahaha
Wednesday, June 14
Malaysia My Second Home
Malaysia My Second Home : One-stop centre to help applicants
(Quoted : By The Star Online)
Kuala Lumpur 20/5/2006A one-stop centre has been set up to expedite applications for the Malaysia My Second Home programme.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, who launched the centre located at Menara Dato’ Onn in Putra World Trade Centre, here, yesterday, said the ministry wanted to make it simpler for foreigners to take up the programme.
“The Government is very concerned with the slow application process because the foreigners might as well go to another country if they have to wait too long for the approval,” he said.
He also said 16 licensed agents had registered with the ministry to work closely with the centre to help the programme’s participants.
(continue reading at http://www.propertynetasia.com.my/news/shownews.asp?newsid=363)
(Quoted : By The Star Online)
Kuala Lumpur 20/5/2006A one-stop centre has been set up to expedite applications for the Malaysia My Second Home programme.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, who launched the centre located at Menara Dato’ Onn in Putra World Trade Centre, here, yesterday, said the ministry wanted to make it simpler for foreigners to take up the programme.
“The Government is very concerned with the slow application process because the foreigners might as well go to another country if they have to wait too long for the approval,” he said.
He also said 16 licensed agents had registered with the ministry to work closely with the centre to help the programme’s participants.
(continue reading at http://www.propertynetasia.com.my/news/shownews.asp?newsid=363)
Saturday, June 10
Friday, June 9
Solid Wood Stools
We've sold all 30 units, and currently have last four units to be sold.
Check it out at
We have all positive ratings from our clients.
- Left over stocks.
- Items sold are in good condition and have not been used.
- Still wrap in plastic cover.
Check it out at
We have all positive ratings from our clients.
- Left over stocks.
- Items sold are in good condition and have not been used.
- Still wrap in plastic cover.
Tuesday, May 23
Entrepenuer Tips for Business Owners
small-business owners are encourage to continually reinvent and update their enterprises if they hope to survive.
Entrepreneurship is not for the cheap or rigid.
"People like to be associated with current trends.
They like to see new colors fresh flooring and hand rails," says Mike Munz, a retail expert and member of SCORE, a business counseling organization sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
FAST TRACK Tips for freshening an old business:
-- Invest in current technology.
-- Occasionally repaint and change the decor, especially in a business where customers visit.
-- Retailers should change location of merchandise every few weeks to give a fresh look.
-- Build an interactive Web site to encourage customer feedback and e-commerce when possible.
--Never fall into the "we've-always-done-it-this-way" mentality.
Entrepreneurship is not for the cheap or rigid.
"People like to be associated with current trends.
They like to see new colors fresh flooring and hand rails," says Mike Munz, a retail expert and member of SCORE, a business counseling organization sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
FAST TRACK Tips for freshening an old business:
-- Invest in current technology.
-- Occasionally repaint and change the decor, especially in a business where customers visit.
-- Retailers should change location of merchandise every few weeks to give a fresh look.
-- Build an interactive Web site to encourage customer feedback and e-commerce when possible.
--Never fall into the "we've-always-done-it-this-way" mentality.
Saturday, April 29
Hodad's restaurant
Woah they actually have such sort of mini VW van in the USA.
Its called the microbus.
This place is located in California.

"The walls are covered with some amazing vanity license plates.
It has long been the house policy to offer a big burger meal to
any customer willing to display a good one."
- Michael Stern -

Just imagine, they serve such in USA. Malaysian so cheap leh !
Hodad’s motto, on a sign above the cash register
: “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem!”
Their place is near a beach.
Its called the microbus.
This place is located in California.

"The walls are covered with some amazing vanity license plates.
It has long been the house policy to offer a big burger meal to
any customer willing to display a good one."
- Michael Stern -

Just imagine, they serve such in USA. Malaysian so cheap leh !
Hodad’s motto, on a sign above the cash register
: “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem!”
Their place is near a beach.
El Gallito - Cathedral City
Woah look at this Color Contrasting Restaurant in California.
Looks like those darn 40s - 50s places, you won't get to see in Malaysia!!

"El Gallito's brightly-painted exterior almost glows in the California desert sunlight. "
- Michael Stern -
pretty little café named El Gallito by the side of the road in Cathedral City
El Gallito offers a broad menu of mostly familiar Mexican dishes such as tacos, chilies rellenos, enchiladas, and burritos. In our experience, they are all good, but we are especially fond of such daily specials as carnitas (shredded pork) every Thursday, chicken mole (Friday) and menudo (Saturday).
carnitas - ($10.00)
chicken mole - ($12.00)
red and green chili - ($8.00)
Looks like those darn 40s - 50s places, you won't get to see in Malaysia!!

"El Gallito's brightly-painted exterior almost glows in the California desert sunlight. "
- Michael Stern -
pretty little café named El Gallito by the side of the road in Cathedral City
El Gallito offers a broad menu of mostly familiar Mexican dishes such as tacos, chilies rellenos, enchiladas, and burritos. In our experience, they are all good, but we are especially fond of such daily specials as carnitas (shredded pork) every Thursday, chicken mole (Friday) and menudo (Saturday).
carnitas - ($10.00)
chicken mole - ($12.00)
red and green chili - ($8.00)
Old Restaurants since 1934

This restaurant is located on the main street of Locke,
a forgotten little town in the Sacramento Delta.
It was originally built by and for Chinese Californians.
Once famous as an anything-goes enclave of vice, Locke is ghostly today,
with few Chinese left.
Al the Wop, is a fabulous destination for travelers in search of culinary color

Locke is a magical old place, its architecture unchanged for nearly a century. There has been a restaurant on this spot since the town was built in 1915. Al's dates back to 1934. "
Steak is our choice, but we must say that the burgers are wonderful – thick and juicy, served between thick slices of grilled-crisp Italian bread with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickle, and olives on the side.
hamburger - ($8.00)
steak - ($15.00)
Friday, April 28
Friday, April 21
Third day Trial Run - must get better

This is my third day using blender. I have some how achieve what i intend to do,
but still not there yet. The above images done, are for a motel room.
(Images are fairly ok, but still not satisfied.
There is still much to do in order to get something like this, on the below)

Wednesday, April 19
Trial Run 3D rendering using Blender
Wednesday, April 12
Job Poetry
Learn more from a bad boss,
seek out EVEN more from a good boss,
Follow CAUTIONLY after a bad boss;
Follow Whole hearted and uprightly after a good boss;
Give your best to a high expecting/demanding boss,
Sell yourself with INFINITE BEST to an expecting/demanding good boss!
(I have to qualify again the term "good" boss, as in a boss who is people skilled management and understanding character.
And Staffs, who does not take advantage of any bosses, follows up,helpful & knows their duty & responsibility)
having a boss is like a relationship of communication & commitment for mutual benefits
seek out EVEN more from a good boss,
Follow CAUTIONLY after a bad boss;
Follow Whole hearted and uprightly after a good boss;
Give your best to a high expecting/demanding boss,
Sell yourself with INFINITE BEST to an expecting/demanding good boss!
(I have to qualify again the term "good" boss, as in a boss who is people skilled management and understanding character.
And Staffs, who does not take advantage of any bosses, follows up,helpful & knows their duty & responsibility)
having a boss is like a relationship of communication & commitment for mutual benefits
Thursday, March 23
Design Vocabulary
New income models such as licensing, royalties, extended usage fees and greater understanding and tighter control over IPR is essential to protect the future of the design sector.
- Licensin
- royalties
- extended usage fess
- IPR (Intellectual property rights)
In the context of intellectual property, expression in tangible form is one of the requirements for copyright protection.
Meaning of philistine (noun forms: philistines)
narrow-minded person who is uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain
Example of philistine
We need more men of culture and enlightenment; we have too many philistines among us.
Tuesday, February 21
Starlight Cinema Design Contest 2006
Monday, February 20
Earn some on9 side income.
No basic fees or any sort.
Join this now.
you get a USD 50.00 in your acct. at startup too.
Its a weekly payment scheme.
If your those kind of people who does online works/jobs
Earn some side income
Join this now.
you get a USD 50.00 in your acct. at startup too.
Its a weekly payment scheme.
If your those kind of people who does online works/jobs
Earn some side income
Saturday, February 18
Mini Cake INVASION !
Look out.
First impression, is BANG!
minimalism + mini food
(click this to link to the website)
Sweet to the sight, lovely to eat.

First impression, is BANG!
minimalism + mini food
(click this to link to the website)
Sweet to the sight, lovely to eat.

Friday, February 17
It Pays To Help Others

The profession of architecture offers the student the
opportunity to participate in improving the physical
world, in solving problems of our society, and in giving
form to the needs of modern culture.
- Check it Out at by clicking on their LOGO / ICON-
They have project design issues on IRAN, hurricane Katrina in the US,
Mobile Health Clinics to Combat HIV/AIDS, Transitional Housing for Kosovo's Returning Refugees, & MANY MANY More
[ It Pays To Help Others. It comes a Time,
in return You get what You Need ]
"Pays" in the sense of, how & what you can Afford & Able to Spend willingly.
Thursday, February 9
Valentine Sales - 08 02 2006

"PONY Xpress's 2 web banner."
(One is a animated .gif format (means got sequence). another is a jpg format)
(These web banner is for sale.Like it, buy it from me)
Changing every 2 days until this coming Valentine's day.
Check it out at all 3 shops.
1) www.cafepress.com/jensenjs
2) www.cafepress.com/jensenjs1
3) www.cafepress.com/jensenjs2
Get your partner,friends or family something today
Tuesday, February 7
Valentine Sales at ePONY Xpress
Monday, February 6
- Vote for ME, Please ! -

- Starlight Cinema Design Contest -
A rencent contest that i've participated.
Look forward for your votes if any or my design are chosen.
There are four types of design attached. Nevertheless, the design are all proposal.
The final decision comes from the organiser themselve, who are members of Catca.com.
Jensen Js
Interior Architect
Images viewing : Curtesy of IAGD / Jensen
All images, design, logos, symbols, picture belongs to iA + iGd.
© CopyRight. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, February 3
Phone Card design
Saturday, January 28
Website of Interest 28 Jan 06
- Websites of interest -

An interesting website.
Website about latin films, radio advertisements, music & etc.
The record player actually plays oldies songs.
the "CAT" next to the old ancient record player, actually moves
accordingly to your move movement. (well basically this is a common media design.
I just delighted with the record player and its musica. !!

A simple website about E.G.G. is a new creative stu dio
deals withfancy flash work is known world wide.
Own by a duo then decided to join forces in June of 2005.
i am delighted with some of their works of design.
samples of their works


An interesting website.
Website about latin films, radio advertisements, music & etc.
The record player actually plays oldies songs.
the "CAT" next to the old ancient record player, actually moves
accordingly to your move movement. (well basically this is a common media design.
I just delighted with the record player and its musica. !!

A simple website about E.G.G. is a new creative stu dio
deals withfancy flash work is known world wide.
Own by a duo then decided to join forces in June of 2005.
i am delighted with some of their works of design.
samples of their works

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