Tuesday, December 4
This is fun?
~ John something?
2) Four letter word
~ Junk
3) Street
~ Jongker St. (correct spelling?)
4) Color
~ J something?
5) Gift/Present
~ Jam (watch?)
6) Vehicle
~ J something.
7) Things in souvenir shop
~ J something
8) Boy name
~ Jack
9) Girl name
~ Janice
10) Movie title
~ John trovolta
11) Drink
~ Jasmine tea
12) Occupation
~ Joker
13) Celebrity
~ Jensen Button
14) Magazine
~ J magazine? (Does this exist, I think it does?)
15) Pro sports
~ Jogging
16) Fruit
~ J-fruit?
17) Reason for being late to work
~ Joker
18) Something you throw away
~ Junk
19) Something you shout
~ Joker
Monday, October 15
Friday, October 12
New Orleans Unveils Rebuilding Plan
After struggling for months to come up with $1.1 billion for stage one of New Orleans' hurricane rebuilding plan, city officials faced with growing public frustration intend to move ahead with a drastically scaled-back first step of $216 million.
The blueprint being released Friday by city Recovery Director Ed Blakely is far more modest than the one he issued in March. But he said it will at least get the rebuilding started and give the public desperately needed signs of progress -- which, in turn, will encourage private investment in New Orleans.
Check it out HEREMonday, October 8
The Code and Conduct
It is our view that by applying the following set of standards, in their professional and
personal life, members would meet the high standards of behaviour expected of them.
Act honourably
1 Never put your own gain above the welfare of your clients or others to whom you have a
professional responsibility. Always consider the wider interests of society in your judgements.
Act with integrity
2 Be trustworthy in all that you do – never deliberately mislead, whether by withholding or
distorting information.
Be open and transparent in your dealings
3 Share the full facts with your clients, making things as plain and intelligible as possible.
Be accountable for all your actions
4 Take full responsibility for your actions and don’t blame others if things go wrong.
Know and act within your limitations
5 Be aware of the limits of your competence and don’t be tempted to work beyond these.
Never commit to more than you can deliver.
Be objective at all times
6 Give clear and appropriate advice. Never let sentiments or your own interests cloud
your judgement.
Always treat others with respect
7 Never discriminate against others.
Set a good example
8 Remember that both your public and private behaviour could affect your own, RICs' or the company's and
other members’ reputations.
Have the courage to make a stand
9 Be prepared to act if you suspect a risk to safety or malpractice of any sort.
Comply with relevant laws and regulations
10 Avoid any action, illegal or litigious, that may bring the profession into disrepute.
Avoid conflicts of interest
11 Declare any potential conflicts of interest, personal or professional, to all relevant parties.
Respect confidentiality
12 Maintain the confidentiality of your clients’ affairs. Never divulge information to others unless it is necessary.
These are appliable as our principle of work. Cool.
Green Value –Green buildings, growing assets
Green Value –Green buildings, growing assets
A new report published by the UK-based Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has identified a clear
- Linkage between green building practices and value. The report suggests that green buildings:
Are more readily leased; - Command higher rents;
- Have higher tenant retention rates;
- Generally enjoy lower operating costs;
- May benefit from available grants and subsidies through increasing energy efficiency and lessening greenhouse gas emissions;
- Improve business productivity of their tenants, affecting churn, renewals, inducements and fitting-out costs; and
- Benefit occupants to a degree that may exceed the underlying asset's value
Saturday, September 29
Attracting, Retaining Talent
The Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce had an amusing, insightful article (http://www.djc.com/news/ae/11192765.html) about steps being taken by local architecture and engineering firms to attract and retain talent in a tight job market.
With the article noting that all firms in the area pay well, some firms, to stand out, are adopting unusual strategies and perks to keep their staffs happy and to lure top job prospects.
Among the offerings:
skateboard luges in lunchrooms,
movie nights, frequent parties and even visits from Santa Claus (in addition to paid-for trips to research design around the world).
I'd love to hear from community members about effective strategies their own firms are using to attract and retain top talent.
Bryant RousseauEditorial Director, Digital Media
McGraw-Hill Construction
Woah... just imagine. Do they really get to play and work at the same time?
1. Well I guess so. When you finish your work!
2. Yes, its a positive approach but hmm...
3. I'm also looking into perspective or ways to venture/ solutions into such alternatives?
Apply the characteristic of " Network Marketing Business Solution "
(not the Network Marketing Business plan itself directly but the CHARATERISTIC of a solution)
Mississippi River Bluff Home
Mendota, MN
Albertsson Hansen Architecture
At 7,500 square feet, this home on a bluff with views of skylines of both Minneapolis and St. Paul proves that generous spaces can be light, airy, and serene. Designed by Albertsson Hansen Architecture, the spec house’s vernacular exterior and spare, spacious interior have a warmth its size belies.
further details at : - CLICK ME

Friday, September 28
Williams + Paddon Firm
This is a nationally recoginized architectural firm with experience in all market sectors of architecture, master planning and interior design.
They have their three point of principles, when it comes to design purposes :-
- Involve
- Connection
- Delight
What sort of principles do you have, when it comes to life itself?...
Check out their website http://www.williamspluspaddon.com/thefirm.html
Attitude in Professional Services?
"A professional services organization is all about people.
One of our clients once said, 'I don't hire a firm, I hire a person.' We understand that, and it is why every one of us is committed to providing quality services to our clients." - Jim Williams
I came across this information which serve a very useful meaning in life in what ever we do.
Do you think you are of what it really says of a person?
Thursday, September 27
Business Competition in the world
Well for me personal, how I see it (in certain perspectives & function)
Make your enemy (competitors) to be your friend , from a friend into an alliance.
a) Why?
b) What for?
c) How?
If you can flush out the invisible vision of this points! Then your benefiting alot and of cause, not to forsake the most crucial point in "life". Look to the "invinsible factor"!
IES / Photometric informations
Does a real interior designer/ Architect/ Interior Architect know these?
Well... I'm giving each statue of this profession a benefit of doubt, even myself.
(I don't know too!)
Its very beneficial to get acquainted with all these and again, our driven concept of moto
"The Unspoken Law of Entrepeurnering with Design Concepts into Design Profits" - by IAGD Interior.
Check it all out at,
Green Tools for a Green GlobeAt GE Consumer & Industrial, we aim to promote energy savings around the world. Our tools and software provide lighting professionals with the tools needed to minimize energy use.
Monday, September 24
Worst Seasonal Shopping in 5 years
Economic Uncertainty
Contributing factors of consumer Tapping out :-
- Credit crunch
- Wage Growth
- job creation
- Gas increasing
Check out the video - Wall Street Journal
Saturday, September 22
F&B Industry - USA
CHICAGO (Sept. 20)
Despite a general economic slowdown, foodservice sales are expected to continue
to grow during 2008, albeit at a slower pace than in recent years, according the
International Foodservice Manufacturers Association and Technomic Inc.
But, their forecast indicates, the higher costs of fuel, commodities and labor will
likely put increasing pressure on margins.
Tuesday, September 18
Most Expensive ZIP Codes in the U.S.
b. Santa Barbara
c. Santa Monica
d. New York
e. Beverly Hills
check it out at
Friday, September 14
Hakia Takes On Google With Semantic Technologies
He said that Tim Berners-Lee is banking on certain standards being accepted by web authors and writers - which Riza said is "such a big assumption to start this technology". He said that it forces people to be linguists, which is not a common skill.
If you notice, and pay attention what this might be giving to future advancement,
"... it forces people to be linguists, which is not a common skill."
A must read artilce. If you know how this could benefits you?
For me it does. Check it out.
Sunday, September 9
Thursday, September 6
Wishbone Rotation Monitor Arm

Product Description
The latest addition to the award winning Wishbone flat screen arm system. A wrap spring clutch at the elbow joint allows the user fingertip height adjustment, in addition to the movement inherent in the standard Wishbone range.
Load capacity 8kg
( direct deal from manufactured in Malaysia)
( minimal 20 units to place an order.
Advance payment of 80% and 20% on delivery)
Look forward to hear from interested buyers.
Interest buyers can inquiry of required brochures from us.
Wednesday, September 5
US Housing Crash Continues
[Quoted from Patrick.net]
It's A Terrible Time To Buy
Check it out at http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html
Monday, September 3
Estate agents 'should face more regulation
Current laws governing real estate agents are insufficient and more regulation is needed, the Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen) has said.
The audit office wants the government to review the legal requirements for documentation. Better documentation could reduce the number of disputes between consumers and estate agents, it said.
In the absence of documentation, disputes are often left with the estate agent's word standing against that of the buyer or seller.
Disagreements over surveys, bidding and property descriptions are quite common, the audit office said.
The Swedish Board of Supervision of Estate Agents (Fastighetsmäklarnämnden), which is supposed to keep an eye on estate agents, has been too passive in its role as a regulator, the audit office said.
Sunday, July 8
Recently I was listening to this programme, titled : "Can threatened or dying languages be revived?"
What do you think about it?
Do you find 'language' an interesting topic to talk to your friends?
Do you think its worth any value of your time by reading, finding facts or getting to know more about it?
If it was me at my early youthful age, I'll definately discard it because its not FUN at all.
As you get to know it better, it seems language has a varse history and importance of value to learn from. Whether is knowledge or what ever common sense?!
Anyway... if you refer back to the sentence posted and stated on that programme, which I've heard... IF you notice the phrase "... a work of art"
ART?... language is part of art?!
Do you find language is form of art indirectly?
hmmm... what is the real purpose of art anyway.

Hans Christian Andersen Museum
It is weird to have a language Museum?
Do you think Language needs a design to represent it?
First of all, I found the layout of this building quite weird.
Does it speak of the 'language' that it wishes to express itself, about the person who has been a contributing element of 'language' to history itself?

The entrance for this building is quite interesting.
If you read the info on the website, it actually paints out a unique picture?
Follow this link. For further details.
Wednesday, January 31
A form without an outline, loses it touch yet gain not its appearance.
An interest makes no progress further more has no continuity,
Finding a loop hole yet unable to withdraw neither settle.
Searching a void to seek out a point but finds no perspective.
Lost in memory still holding on.
Ending a drawing has no story
Finding a beginning that doesn't start anywhere.
Monday, January 8
Urban Design Forum
- Urban Design Forum Incorporated is a not-for-profit initiative formed with the following statement of purpose:
- To encourage the better design of our cities and towns and regions
- To provide a forum where ideas and comment about urban design can be expressed
- To produce, publish and distribute a regular publication
- To be involved in other activities which contribute to the above purposes
- To co-operate and liase with any individuals or groups who have compatible purposes with the above.
I find it interesting with facts.
Saturday, January 6
Pilot projects to investigate responses to flooding and coastal erosion
by Roger Milne
5 January 2007
Environment minister, Ian Pearson, has announced a series of projects costing well over £2m, designed to test out new and innovative approaches to deal with flooding and coastal erosion.
One of the six pilot studies will involve South Hams District Council and the production of a coastal zone adaptation plan for the Slapton area which will explore how local communities can adapt to coastal erosion and its impact on transport links, environmental and heritage assets and the local economy. The studies are financed from the Innovation Fund.
Another pilot just announced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) will see the Building Research Establishment and architects producing specific guidance on planning and designing sustainable housing and communities in flood plain areas.
The focus of a number of the other pilots will investigate the role of forestry in contributing to flood alleviation and how farmers can manage land use in coastal and flood plain areas to help reduce flood risks.
Pearson said: "Climate change will ratchet up the threats faced by communities, which is why we need to investigate new and different responses to dealing with flooding and coastal erosion."