Saturday, April 29

Hodad's restaurant

Woah they actually have such sort of mini VW van in the USA.
Its called the microbus.

This place is located in California.

"The walls are covered with some amazing vanity license plates.
It has long been the house policy to offer a big burger meal to
any customer willing to display a good one."
- Michael Stern -

Just imagine, they serve such in USA. Malaysian so cheap leh !

Hodad’s motto, on a sign above the cash register
: “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem!”
Their place is near a beach.

El Gallito - Cathedral City

Woah look at this Color Contrasting Restaurant in California.

Looks like those darn 40s - 50s places, you won't get to see in Malaysia!!

"El Gallito's brightly-painted exterior almost glows in the California desert sunlight. "
- Michael Stern -

pretty little café named El Gallito by the side of the road in Cathedral City
El Gallito offers a broad menu of mostly familiar Mexican dishes such as tacos, chilies rellenos, enchiladas, and burritos. In our experience, they are all good, but we are especially fond of such daily specials as carnitas (shredded pork) every Thursday, chicken mole (Friday) and menudo (Saturday).

carnitas - ($10.00)
chicken mole - ($12.00)
red and green chili - ($8.00)

Old Restaurants since 1934

This restaurant is located on the main street of Locke,
a forgotten little town in the Sacramento Delta.
It was originally built by and for Chinese Californians.
Once famous as an anything-goes enclave of vice, Locke is ghostly today,
with few Chinese left.

Al the Wop, is a fabulous destination for travelers in search of culinary color

Locke is a magical old place, its architecture unchanged for nearly a century. There has been a restaurant on this spot since the town was built in 1915. Al's dates back to 1934. "

Steak is our choice, but we must say that the burgers are wonderful – thick and juicy, served between thick slices of grilled-crisp Italian bread with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickle, and olives on the side.

hamburger - ($8.00)
steak - ($15.00)

Friday, April 28

Duta Grand Resort

New Property Investment in PORT DICKSON, Malaysia.

Friday, April 21

Third day Trial Run - must get better

This is my third day using blender. I have some how achieve what i intend to do,
but still not there yet. The above images done, are for a motel room.

(Images are fairly ok, but still not satisfied.
There is still much to do in order to get something like this, on the below)

- This is a sample rendered by somebody else. At gallery - I must give credit this is a neat 3D rendering -

Wednesday, April 19

Trial Run 3D rendering using Blender

This was my first day using blender as a trial run to make this image.
It was a good start and i have intentions to proceed to the next level,
with much more to expect from myself within 2 weeks for realistic 3D rendering.

Wednesday, April 12

Job Poetry

Learn more from a bad boss,

seek out EVEN more from a good boss,

Follow CAUTIONLY after a bad boss;

Follow Whole hearted and uprightly after a good boss;

Give your best to a high expecting/demanding boss,

Sell yourself with INFINITE BEST to an expecting/demanding good boss!

(I have to qualify again the term "good" boss, as in a boss who is people skilled management and understanding character.
And Staffs, who does not take advantage of any bosses, follows up,helpful & knows their duty & responsibility)

having a boss is like a relationship of communication & commitment for mutual benefits